
Posted on February 17, 2009 at 11:05 pm

Sources: MingPaoWeekly / Oriental / TheSun / TaKungPao / WenWeiPo / Sina /
【16:18】2009年02月17日【on.cc專訊】 Sunny Wong(黃國榮)及洪華於凌晨一時半出席婚宴派對,Sunny表示如果郭富城結婚需要他做證婚人,他一定會赴湯蹈火,問到有否催他快些跟熊黛林結婚,他說:「我會催佢結婚,但佢同邊個就佢自己決定。」


【15:38】2009年02月17日 【on.cc 專訊】 郭富城御用排舞老師Sunny Wong(黃國榮)與女模洪華結婚,婚宴上很多歌手應邀出席,譚詠麟、鍾鎮濤也輪流上台獻唱,至婚宴尾聲,更變成城城演唱會,他獻唱了多首歌曲,更有很多 舞蹈員上台伴舞,婚宴近午夜十二時結束,城城離開時清醒地說:「今晚好開心,但我唔會去After Party。」




Posted on February 16, 2009 at 10:32 am

Sources: MingPaoWeekly / Oriental / TheSun / TaKungPao / WenWeiPo / MetroDaily / SingTao / AppleDaily /
【21:48】2009年02月16日 【on.cc 專訊】 黃國榮(Sunny)與洪華晚上在君悅酒店舉行婚宴,證婚人郭富城晚上7時45分抵達,表示與新郎哥的交情深厚,「當初Sunny問我可唔可以做證婚人, 我二話不說就應承,因為大家的友誼已經昇華到唔止朋友,而係家人。我當佢係細佬,自己係長輩。」他又笑言當初與Sunny在TVB舞蹈訓練班時感情並不要 好,直至1986年才成為好友:「訓練班時Sunny16歲,我就18歲,直到1986年去加拿大工作,先至做朋友,之後感情愈來愈好。」城城被問到有否 有結婚衝動?他說:「我工作仲係衝刺期,未諗呢樣!」而城城緋聞女友熊黛林(Lynn)則因另有活動,未有出席婚宴。



Posted on February 15, 2009 at 1:15 am

Sources: MingPaoWeekly / WenWeiPo / Oriental / TheSun / AppleDaily / SingTao /

郭富城看淡愛情 為《白銀帝國》奉獻N個第一次
Source: Sina /


Posted on February 13, 2009 at 10:36 am

Sources: MingPaoWeekly / TaKungPao / WenWeiPo / Oriental / TheSun / AppleDaily / SingTao / XHN /

【16:01】2009年02月13日 【on.cc 專訊】 郭富城昨晚於柏林出席電影《白銀帝國》首映禮,身穿Gucci新裝的城城,與戲中演員張鐵林、導演姚樹華及監製一起行紅地氈!城城甫踏上紅地氈後,傳媒與 影迷即一湧而上,索取簽名及訪問,城城亦大晒由瑞士浪琴博物館專程運送過來,並投保三千萬港元的古董懷錶,城城笑言身為現代人能手持一隻清朝的懷錶做電影 宣傳,感覺特別!因懷錶極珍貴,昨晚的保安人數亦多了三倍!
完成首映禮後,眾人移師柏林的中國會出席After Party,張鐵林大讚城城演技愈來愈好,已昇華更高層次演技的演員,城城對張鐵林的讚賞感到鼓舞!



Longines presents Empire of Silver, starring Ambassador of Elegance, Aaron Kwok (Berlin, Germany)

Berlin, 13th February, 2009 – Aaron Kwok, Longines Ambassador of Elegance is attending this year’s Berlin Film Festival for the World Premiere of his latest movie “Empire of Silver”. Kwok plays the starring role in this film based on a famous story from the Qing Dynasty (1644 – 1911). The great heritage of the Chinese movie reminds the Swiss watch brand of its horological development and long-standing relationship with China during the same period as the story in time. Chronological records of an invoice states the shipment of the first Longines watch to China dates back to 1867. Longines was happy to congratulate Aaron Kwok on his new exciting movie and to sponsor the after film Party in Berlin by presenting him the brand’s latest watchmaking achievement: The Longines Master Collection Retrograde watch, which summarizes the brand’s legendary watchmaking development since the Qing Dynasty.

Aaron Kwok, Longines Ambassador of Elegance since 2005, is one of the most popular artist’s in Asia. His outstanding performances as a dancer, singer and actor have earned him more than a hundred awards since the beginning of his career. With his many creative talents it was naturally not long before the film industry approached him. Success came immediately as Kwok won the award for best leading actor for his film “Divergence” at the Golden Horse Award in 2005. Only a year later he repeated this achievement by winning for the second time the award for his extraordinary performance in the feature film “After This Our Exile”. Now his success story has brought him to his second European Film Festival (after the Rome Film Festival in 2006) here in Berlin, where he will disclose his latest movie “Empire of Silver” as a World Premiere.

In this movie, Aaron Kwok embodies “Third Master”, an idealistic and hedonistic young man. Heir to a banking empire, who, despite his father’s pressure, struggles to find his own way in life. The Father and son’s relationship is complicated by their antagonistic sense of moral and ethical values. Moreover, “Third Master” is deeply in love with his beautiful stepmother. Embarking on a metaphysical journey, “Third Master” must decide whether to follow his father’s path or find his own way. Greed, deception and jealousy surface under the pressures of war and the impending change from silver to paper bills.

This wonderful historical Chinese movie reminds the Swiss watch brand of its rich history of over 175 years of watchmaking craftsmanship and especially of its long-standing relationship with China. In fact, China was one of the first countries where Longines exported its watches to from its manufacture in Switzerland. The record of an invoice shows that the very first Longines watch has already been sold and shipped to China during the Qing Dynasty in 1867.

It was a great pleasure for Longines to offer the after film party and to hand over The Longines Master Collection Retrograde watch in rose gold, the elegant flagship piece to Aaron Kwok during the party as symbol of respect and congratulations on his outstanding performance. This very special timepiece, highlighting the horological traditions of the brand, encloses a new calibre, especially and exclusively developed for Longines. Offering retrograde functions (day, date, second, second time zone on a 24-hour scale) in a movement with automatic rewinding, The Longines Master Collection Retrograde combines a mechanical horological complication with simple usage.

《白銀帝國》重聚首 郭富城張鐵林飛抵柏林

Posted on February 12, 2009 at 12:14 am

Sources: Tungstar / MingPaoWeekly / TaKungPao / MetroDaily / WenWeiPo / HKDaily / SingTao / Oriental / TheSun /AppleDaily / Headline /

【16:17】2009年02月12日 【on.cc 專訊】 郭富城於柏林時間昨午抵達柏林,由於轉機時遇上風雪,延誤了抵達時間,轉機過程更險遺失行李,幸好城城早已把戰衣交由助手Hand Carry,故避過遺失戰衣!抵達柏林機場時,城城獲影展籌委會成員及網站媒體接機,有外國影迷向城城索簽名!而郭富城主演電影《白銀帝國》於本月十二日 在柏林舉行的首映門票,不出三日已爆滿,反應甚佳!


Sources: Sina /
